Elk Run Stormwater Program

Welcome to the Elk Run Heights Storm water Program website, your source for news and information on our efforts to reduce storm water pollution.  Urban runoff is a public health risk that threatens the quality of a precious natural resource - our waterways.  Together we can prevent storm water pollution by reducing urban runoff. 

 The City is an MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems) city by virtue of its location in the Waterloo Metro Area.  The MS4 program is a nationwide program aimed at improving the quality of waterways, primarily from the regulation of storm sewer collection systems and construction site activities.  As a MS4 City, the Environmental Protection Agency, has mandated that the City regulate storm water discharges.
The City has passed ordinances that regulate illicit storm discharges to the sanitary sewer collection system, construction site Storm water runoff control, post-construction Storm water management.  For copies of the ordinances please contact City Hall.

To report a storm water related issue or an erosion control problem, please contact City Hall at (319) 232-0020. If you observe a problem after hours please contact the non-emergency dispatch 319-291-2515, and they will notify the department. 

Iowa DNR website & EPA's NPDES website.


Storm water informational Brochures: